this is the pages branch, unbranched ... was committed by Graeme Worthy
Thursday Apr 30
changeset -
added vendor branches for compass, sa... was committed by Graeme Worthy 03:13 AM changeset
removed old haml, http://github.com/g... was committed by Graeme Worthy 03:13 AM changeset
stars are working, setting ratings ar... was committed by Graeme Worthy 03:13 AM changeset
try uncommenting bluecloth http://git... was committed by Kalin Harvey 02:19 AM changeset
down to 31 red men http://github.com/... was committed by Kalin Harvey 02:05 AM changeset
changed some user specs to pending be... was committed by Kalin Harvey 02:05 AM changeset
adding missing gems to /vendor/gems, ... was committed by Kalin Harvey 01:17 AM changeset
Merge commit 'origin'; branch 'dashbo... was committed by Kalin Harvey 01:17 AM changeset
removed traces of http authentication... was committed by Kalin Harvey 01:17 AM changeset