ferret server not autostarting on productionwas updated by greenbuildingbrainSaturday Jun 06
ticket -
the word "inappropriate" is misspelled was created by eesmyal 02:40 PM ticket
change links to this bug tracker to "... was created by eesmyal 02:37 PM ticket
removed some code that was offending ... was committed by Kalin Harvey 04:22 AM changeset
minor fixes http://github.com/greenbu... was committed by Kalin Harvey 04:18 AM changeset
Merge branch 'master' of git@github.c... was committed by Kalin Harvey 04:18 AM changeset
small ui improvements http://github.c... was committed by Kalin Harvey 04:18 AM changeset
wiki link not correctwas updated by greenbuildingbrain 03:51 AM ticket -
wiki link not correct was created by eesmyal
Friday Jun 05
ticket -
rdiscount, nice http://github.com/gra... was committed by Graeme Worthy 10:38 PM changeset
data entry glitchwas updated by greenbuildingbrain 09:07 PM ticket -
Merge branch 'master' of git@github.c... was committed by Graeme Worthy 09:06 PM changeset
fixed data entry bug on stats,etc [\#... was committed by Graeme Worthy 09:05 PM changeset
data entry glitch was updated by greenbuildingbrain 09:04 PM ticket
temporarily split up the css for alex... was committed by Kalin Harvey 06:41 PM changeset
data entry glitch was updated by greenbuildingbrain 06:20 PM ticket
temp fix for stylesheet problem in de... was committed by Kalin Harvey 03:07 PM changeset
some deploy for sphinx http://github.... was committed by Kalin Harvey 03:01 PM changeset
Merge branch 'master' of git@github.c... was committed by Kalin Harvey 02:39 PM changeset
out with ferret in with sphinx http:/... was committed by Kalin Harvey 02:39 PM changeset
added stylesheet cachefile http://git... was committed by Graeme Worthy 02:14 PM changeset
Merge branch 'master' of git@github.c... was committed by Graeme Worthy 01:48 PM changeset
Merge branch 'master' of git@github.c... was committed by Graeme Worthy 01:47 PM changeset
attempting to get ferret to work on p... was committed by Kalin Harvey 01:46 PM changeset
added manual ferret rebuild on deploy... was committed by Kalin Harvey 01:46 PM changeset
related links wasn't properly filteri... was committed by Graeme Worthy 01:40 PM changeset
version controller was giving numeric... was committed by Graeme Worthy 01:40 PM changeset
a tiny fix to deploy script... http:/... was committed by Kalin Harvey 11:42 AM changeset
another small change to deploy http:/... was committed by Kalin Harvey 11:41 AM changeset
small fix to deploy script http://git... was committed by Kalin Harvey 11:40 AM changeset
fixed cacheability of js and styles a... was committed by Kalin Harvey 11:35 AM changeset
ferret server not autostarting on pro... was created by greenbuildingbrain 02:57 AM ticket
fixed so that new server can use real... was committed by Kalin Harvey 02:27 AM changeset
Merge branch 'master' of git@github.c... was committed by Kalin Harvey 02:27 AM changeset
added extralinks field and prepared i... was committed by Kalin Harvey 02:27 AM changeset
fixed Item.find when wikititle has di... was committed by Kalin Harvey 02:27 AM changeset
fixed footer not showing http://githu... was committed by Kalin Harvey 02:27 AM changeset
'edit mode works again' http://github... was committed by Graeme Worthy 01:41 AM changeset
deploy to new server http://github.co... was committed by Graeme Worthy 01:41 AM changeset
Merge branch 'master' of git@github.c... was committed by Graeme Worthy 01:21 AM changeset
json api for importing items and upda... was committed by Graeme Worthy 01:14 AM changeset
got a good start on making stats work... was committed by Graeme Worthy 01:14 AM changeset
Phase one security patching: no edit ... was committed by Graeme Worthy 01:14 AM changeset
analtyics only enabled in production ... was committed by Graeme Worthy 01:14 AM changeset
picture pagination spec is passing ht... was committed by Graeme Worthy 01:14 AM changeset
autospec, now with things that are no... was committed by Graeme Worthy 01:14 AM changeset
invite code for gbb beta site?was updated by greenbuildingbrain 12:24 AM ticket -
invite code for gbb beta site? was created by Selena
Thursday Jun 04
ticket -
removed buildings controller, the who... was committed by Graeme Worthy
Wednesday Jun 03
changeset -
added api key for mosso http://github... was committed by Kalin Harvey
Tuesday Jun 02
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cagbc summit—86% complete
Completed 32 of 37 tickets